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16 Week In Person Contest Prep Program

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Now: $499.95
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PhysiqueFX Online Contest Prep


ONE PRICE covers your entire program and all updates throughout your prep. There are No Monthly Fees!



Complete Contest Prep Program for Bodybuilding, Bikini, Wellness, Men's Physique, Classic Physique, Women's Physique, Figure and Fitness

I did my first competition in Bodybuilding in 1988 and I began coaching other clients for competition in 1992. Over the past 30+ years I have coached over 1000 competitors at every level of competition from first timers, to State and National Level Champions to IFBB Pros.

Coaching athletes for competition is a passion of mine. I love helping first time competitors to make that first incredible transformation and step on the stage for the first time. I also love helping experienced competitors dial in their physique and make the changes in preparation and presentation that take them from placing to winning.

I will personally develop a comprehensive contest prep nutrition and training program to bring your best possible physique to the stage. Each contest prep program is designed specifically for each client based on their goals, daily schedule, training and diet history, available equipment, and other individual characteristics. Whether you are training for your first show, or competing at the Pro level, I will use my more than 23 years of contest prep experience and extensive knowledge of sports nutrition, supplement science, and stage presentation to help you bring your best ever physique to the stage.


I offer both Online and In Person contest preparation packages. Both my online and in person packages include personalized nutrition and training programs designed specifically for each client. My In Person packages include up to 16 In Person Posing and Walking Practices to perfect your stage presentation for no additional charge ( $550 Value ). For my online clients, I have developed a system to perfect your posing through digital camera photos and video and this is included for my online clients for no additional charge.


Below are the full features of my comprehensive Contest Preparation Packages:


Personalized Competition Diet


Detailed Contest Prep nutrition program to take you from off season form all the way to the stage. Your personalized plan will be designed based on your schedule, training and diet history, your personal metabolic calculations, and the contest condition required for your division and organization.


Personalized Training Program


Contest Prep Cardio and Weight Training routine designed to bring you in ripped and ready. Your personalized plan will be based on your schedule, training history, and available equipment.


Detailed Final Week Prep Instructions


The crucial final week of prep, including carb depletion and loading , dropping water, contest color, and show day instructions will be provided to you so that there is no guess work about what to do during the final week.


Posing Instruction


The In Person Contest Prep package includes up to 16 In person posing practice sessions where I will teach you the proper way to perform all the mandatory poses for your division, and teach you how to walk and stand on stage. Don't let your hard work go to waste! Presentation is a huge component to success on stage. Make sure you are ready to display your physique in the best way possible!


Online Posing Instruction ( For Online Prep Packages )


I have developed a system to fine tune posing, even for My online clients. Through online practices using WhatsApp, Facetime, or Zoom, I can help you perfect your posing and presentation entirely online.



Supplement Consultation and Recommendation


Michael has had extensive experience working in the supplement industry and an in depth knowledge of modern sports supplementation. He will design and recommend a supplement plan based on your specific needs and available budget to help acheive your best possible condition. No specific supplements are required for the contest prep program and the use of any and all supplements is entirely up to each client. I have more than 2 decades experience coaching both Natural and Enhanced athletes and I am an expert in the supplementation protocols for both natural and enhanced athletes.


Updates and Revisions to your Diet and Training throughout your Contest Prep


I will update and revise your Diet and Training program as you approach your contest to keep you progressing toward your best possible condition. There is never any additional cost for additions or revisions to the elements of your program listed above. One price covers everything!


Unlimited support is also included during your contest prep. There are never any additional charges for support or consultation during your program.



I will personally answer your questions related to competing, covering topics such as:


Choosing the right organization to compete with based on your physique and goals


Choosing the right division to compete in - ( Bodybuilding vs. Figure vs. Bikini ) etc.


What to expect at the Weigh In Meeting


What to expect at Pre-Judging


What to expect at Finals


Suit and Shoe selection for Fitness, Figure, and Bikini


Choosing the right tanning products and how to properly apply them


What to bring with you to the competition


Any other questions you have about competing!


Go into your show knowing that you are prepared and ready to take the stage and be your best!


The program prices listed are the total price.  There are never any additional monthly fees during your program period. 


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